This invention relates to a new and improved method or manufacturing lubricating grease compositions. More particularly, this Invention relates to a process for the preparation of lubricating grease compositions containing lithium and calcium soaps Of high molecular weight fatty acids in molar ratios of from about 2:1 mols of lithium soap to mols of calcium soap. The invention Is. Especially adapted for continuous or semi-continuous of such greases. These` greases were prepared bysaponifying Saturated or unsaturated fatty acids with calcium hydroxide and an aqueous solution of lithium hydroxide in the presence of Mineral lubricating oil.
• Creamy white in colour.
• Provides protection to moving parts under very server shock load conditions.
• Prolongs equipment life.
• Resists water wash out and change in consistency within working range of temperatures.
• Excellent shear stability.
• Extends lubrication intervals.